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rosie stewart
Rosie Stewart returns to the festival this year. Rosie has been singing for five decades and has been described as “a leading light in keeping the Irish traditional singing flame alive in Fermanagh and across the border counties.”
She comes from a family that’s steeped in traditional music. Her late father, Patrick, was a renowned step dancer and singer, who had inherited a large repertoire of songs. In the early 80’s Rosie and her sisters formed a band, The McKeaney Sisters, and went on to tour Ireland for two decades. Since then she has recorded multiple albums and toured alone as a traditional source singer.
Rosie’s voice and presence is absolutely captivating - she was named ‘Singer of the Year’ by TG4 in 2004. Those of you lucky enough to have caught her performing at previous festivals will surely return, and if you haven’t yet had a chance to catch her, you certainly won’t want to miss it this time.
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